
Showing posts from April, 2019

Sitecore Constants

I have seen a lot of projects where developers create constants or hardcode things that do not need to be hardcoded. This post will serve as an example so that developers are aware of the constant values that already come with the Sitecore binaries. I will not include all the constants since there are a lot, but I will go over the most important ones. These constants have been tested with Sitecore 9.1: Sitecore.Constants:  AnonymousUserName = "Anonymous"  AshxExtension = "ashx" AspxExtension = "aspx" ContentPath = "/sitecore/content" CoreDatabaseName = "core" DefaultAspNetSessionIdCookieName = "ASP.NET_SessionId" DefaultCulture = "en-US" EmailRegExp = "^\\w+([-+.']\\w+)*@\\w+([-.]\\w+)*\\.\\w+([-.]\\w+)*$" EveryoneRoleName = "Everyone" GuidLength = 38 MediaLibraryPath = "/sitecore/media library" MediaRequestPrefix = "-/media/" MinimalPageEditorRoleName = &q

Sitecore User Group Conference (SUGCON) 2019 - Recap

SUGCON is one of the biggest events for the Sitecore community and this year it took place a couple of days ago (April 4th and 5th) in London. This conference is the  place were a lot of developers gather to gain knowledge and network with the Sitecore community from around the world. This was my first SUGCON ever and I couldn't have enjoyed it more! In this post, I will summarize what I think were the most important aspects of the conferences I attended to: Sitecore is giving a lot of importance to the microservices architecture. At SUGCON they talked a lot about Sitecore Host, which is basically a common platform used by some of the new Sitecore services (.NET Core 2.1 is required - which means cross platform, yes!). Sitecore Host can be used by developers to create plugins that can be installed on a Sitecore instance without having to recompile the code base. Currently, xConnect, Identity Service and Publishing services run on Sitecore Host and more services will be migrated